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108 Eye And Health Centre is a most best eye clinic in Noida innovated by the highly best eye doctor in Noida, 108 Eye And Health Centre known to be the very professed eye surgeon clinic in Noida that brings together many super specialities of eye care under one roof such as Cataract, Cornea, Lasik, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Oculoplastics, Ocular Aesthetics, Optical Oncology, Glaucoma, and Retina.

108 Eye And Health Centre is known to be eye specialist in Noida mostly based on three strong pillars
a. Technology
b. Dedication
c. Passion

Remarkable sensitivity to patients' requirements and delivering the warmth of compassionate healing makes us stand apart. Technology is required for high norms of care and Our Eye Care understands that. We use only the rearmost technology and best in the class outfit throughout the hospital.

108 Eye And Health Centre rigorously adheres to internationally accredited operational procedures to reduce errors and enhance patients safety along with all the statutory & regulatory conditions laid.

Light in life is essential and every living being deserves to feel light. "We consider it our honor to spread this light called vision amongst humanity.

With our platoon of devoted health care professionals, we aim to be the leading 'International Eye Health Care 'providers. Right from the ambience to the set up and the state of the art technology; everything is well planned. We're committed to deliver the most best in class clinical outcome and patient experience. Our hospital is make to international health care norms and the design is simple with our patients as our centre of focus.

Top Services

Cataract Surgery
Basic Eye Check up
Neuro ophthalmology