Best ophthalmologists in Sector 100
Glaucoma is typically controlled with eyedrop medication. Utilized each day, these eye drops lower eye pressure. Some do this by lessening the measure of watery liquid the eye makes. Others diminish pressure by assisting liquid with streaming better through the seepage point.
Glaucoma meds can help you keep your vision, yet they may likewise create results. Some eye drops may cause:
Top ophthalmologists in Sector 100
a stinging or tingling sensation
red eyes or red skin around the eyes
changes in your heartbeat and heartbeat
changes in your energy level
changes in breathing (particularly in the event that you have asthma or breathing issues)
dry mouth
obscured vision
eyelash development
ophthalmologists in Sector 100 in Noida
changes in your eye tone, the skin around your eyes or eyelid appearance
Everything meds can have results. A few medications can cause issues when taken with different meds. It is critical to give your primary care physician a rundown of each medication you take consistently. Make certain to converse with your ophthalmologist in the event that you figure you may have results from glaucoma medication.
ophthalmologists in Noida Sector 100
Never show signs of change or quit taking your glaucoma meds without conversing with your ophthalmologist. On the off chance that you are going to run out of your medicine, inquire as to whether you ought to have your medicine topped off.