108 Eye And Health Centre is a most best of the best clinic, state of the art multi specialty eye hospital located in Noida. This Hospital has been functioning since years as an exclusive eye care centre with a singular vision of delivering high quality care to all segments of society, rich or poor.
108 Eye And Health Centre-Best Eye Hospital in Noida
We give the most best Eye Care near me in the megacity of Noida. Along with an educated platoon of ophthalmologists, surgeons and the most best state-of- art facilities available it also provides a safe environment for their cases.
Cornea is the clear covering of the eye. It refracts or bends light as it enters the eye to concentrate it on the retina. If cornea is affected vision is compromised. Cornea problems can cause eye redness, watering, pain and other symptoms depending upon the cause and severity of the problem. If left undressed corneal problems and diseases may lead to blindness.
We treat:
Allergic reactions
Hereditary and natural diseases
Injuries and Trauma
Dry eye
Treatments offered
Medical treatment including antibiotics and steroids to cure infections and other conditions
Corneal Transplant for irreparable cornea damage