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108 Eye and Health Centre is a super speciality eye hospital offering comprehensive eye care facilities in Noida. We worked with dedication to give eye care services to the needy and poor patients During our journey we received numerous awards, utmost prestigious being
108 Eye and Health Centre carved a niche. 108 Eye and Health Centre has the most sophisticated outfit and facilities offering state of the art to treat colorful eye diseases

eye specialist noida extension

108 Eye and Health Centre with a charge “ to extend eye care services to the community in need through charity, ethics, and hard work and vision “ To become ophthalmic hospital of ultimate choice for the community in need by delivering eye care services with excellent quality and empathy. 108 Eye and Health Centre is committed to deliver quality and holistic eye care services to community by ensuring respect, cooperation, compassion, quality and safety of the patient. Trusted patients are more important to us

108 Eye and Health Centre continuously upgrading technology to live up to the expectations of the patients with sophisticated outfit and skilled doctors, devoted counsellors and coordinators. Patients feed back also handed us to improve quality care.

Cataract and IOL surgery
Medical and Surgical Retina service.
Glaucoma detection and management.
Cosmetic eye surgery and prosthetics.
Diabetic eye clinic
Comprehensive eye checkup service

Top Services

Cataract Surgery
Basic Eye Check up
Neuro ophthalmology