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Refractive Error?
A refractive error is a veritably common eye disorder. It occurs when the eye can not easily focus on images. The result of refractive errors is blurred vision, which occasionally is so severe that it causes visual impairment.
The three most common refractive errors are

Diplopia ( hypermetropia) difficulty in seeing distant objects clearly;
Hyperopia ( vision) difficulty in seeing close objects easily;
Astigmatism distorted vision performing from an irregularly curved cornea, the clear covering of the eyeball.
Apart from the below is the circumstance of Presbyopia, which leads to difficulty in reading or seeing at arm’s length. It differs from the other diseases in that it's linked to geriatric and occurs nearly widely.

Femto Lasik
the Alcon Wavelight Refractive Suite represents the most largely advanced technology. It transmits laser pulses at a vastly thick rate than other femtosecond laser equipment. For this reason, the energy used to make the flap as well as the spot size are significantly lower than with other femtosecond- based lasers. Due to its low quantum of energy, side effects and mechanical pressures on the cornea are as minimum as possible.

Contoura Vision Treatment
Contoura Vision is one of the most advanced technology in Laser Vision Correction. Apart from correcting the Specs power, Contoura vision also corrects the corneal irregularities while working on the visual axis. Hence it provides sharper visual outcomes.

Benefits of Femto-Lasik can be summarized as follows
Accurate, precise and safer procedure
. Painless, bladeless technique
. Faster recovery period
Complications caused by cuts are avoided
Wider diapason of refractive error correction
Those ineligible for Lasik can use FEMTO LASIK

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