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Diabetic related condition
Patients with diabetes are more likely to develop eye problems like cataracts or glaucoma, but the principal threat to vision is thru diabetic retinopathy, which causes damage to the retina.

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Diabetes may be a chronic disorder characterized by insufficient insulin production or insensitivity to insulin, which results in an excessive amount of sugar (glucose) within the blood.

Regulating blood sugar levels is extremely important. Untreated diabetes may result in damage to blood vessels, nerves and organs like the kidney and therefore the eye.

The retina is situated at the rear of the attention and liable for detecting light and transmitting this signal to the brain, leading to a visible image. Nutrients and oxygen are transported to the retina via numerous blood vessels. These vessels are often damaged by the high blood glucose levels often seen in non-treated diabetes or diabetes that's not completely controlled. this is often referred to as diabetic retinopathy, which may take several forms.

Most patients with diabetes will have developed some signs of diabetic change within the retina after 20 years.

These conditions develop gradually
With time, diabetes affects the blood vessels of the retina. It results in impaired circulation and thickening of the vessel walls, causing them to leak.

In the earliest phase of the disease, small dot-like hemorrhages could also be visible on the retina, but vision isn't threatened and therefore the patient might not have any symptoms. this is often referred to as “background diabetic retinopathy”

Symptoms of diabetic-related eye conditions
In the earliest stages of the condition, the patient may haven't any symptoms because the changes to the retina aren't extensive enough. this is often mentioned as “background diabetic retinopathy”.

As the disease progresses, the patient will start to note blurred vision, fluctuating vision, reduced colour vision, or black/empty areas in their vision.

If the condition progresses further without intervention, the patient can suffer sudden, extensive and almost total vision loss.

If you persist any of the symptoms contact your eye specialist at 108 eye and health centre now

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