All through the method, you will be needed to stay ready and mindful to the light upgrades. Inordinate development of the eyes and the head may cause critical mistakes in the report. You need not come fasting for the test.
How frequently do we need to do the test ? : Contingent on the patient's eye condition, we may have to rehash the test like clockwork to 1 yr. This is to recognize the movement of field deserts and adjust the treatment appropriately.
Best Eye Clinic Sector 30 Noida
Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (F.F.A.)
What is FFA ? : Fluorescein Angiography is a unique investigation of the retino-choroidal status following organization of the eye, sodium fluorescein. This examination frames a significant armamentarium in the analysis and the executives of countless retinal problems.
Best Eye Clinic In Noida Sector 30
I am a diabetic patient. So I need to go through FFA ? : Consecutive fluorescein angiography has contributed significantly in understanding the normal course of various retinal issues. Fluorescein Angiography isn't just an indicative guide yet additionally decides significant choices as in diabetic maculopathy. To be sure, in certain problems, a legitimate record and support of successive angiograms might be significant as the upkeep of the ECG in a patient with schematic coronary illness.
Best Eye Clinic Noida Sector 50