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108 Eye and Health Centre Equipped with entire of range of state of the art diagnostic, curative and surgical equipments within the field of ophthalmology, 108 Eye and Health Centre is manned by a highly qualified, skilled, competent and motivated medical, paramedical and supportive staff providing comprehensive diagnosis, treatment and surgical services covering entire range of ocular sub-specialties.

Of all the life forms, human life is taken into account to be divine but when blindness falls upon an equivalent human life becomes very dreadful…blindness incapacitates an individual , knocks off all the arrogance levels and moral values. His mere existence becomes miserable. Today it's estimated that each five seconds one person within the world goes blind. one child goes blind every minute. it's estimated that over seven million people become blind per annum .

best eye treatment at 108 Eye and Health Centre

Up to 80% of cases of blindness are avoidable, either resulting from preventable conditions (20%) or being treatable (60%) in order that sight is restored. prevention and treatment of vision loss are among the foremost cost-effective and successful of all health intervention thus far .

the causes of avoidable blindness are frequently related to poverty and lack of access to quality eye care services. avoidable blindness is more common within the poorest of the poor, women and marginalized populations. ninety percent of the world’s blind people sleep in developing countries; there are a minimum of 10 million blind people in India. people that sleep in the developing world like India are five to 10 times more likely to travel blind than people that sleep in highly industrialized countries.

Today quite 80% of cases are often treated successfully with proper medical help and timely intervention. in comparison to the past today’s medicine has changed in leaps and bounds , when used with ever growing science they are going during a great distance and help to form a world, a far better place to measure and see.

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