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The world perceives 108 Eye and Health Centre as a low-cost Indian healthcare service provider; what we are engaged in may be a passionate journey to determine ourselves because the lowest-cost, high-quality healthcare service provider within the world.

eye center near me

At 108 Eye and Health Centre, we are convinced that 'quality' and 'lowest cost' aren't mutually exclusive when it involves health care delivery . In fact, we are well on our thanks to demonstrate that we aren't running our institution as just another number-only business, but are attractively placed to make a reasonable globally-benchmarked quality-driven healthcare services model.

At 108 Eye and Health Centre, we'll still trust what has worked for us within the past. we'll keep our model predominantly asset-light; we'll reinvest our accruals; we'll engage with governments for land and help them achieve affordable healthcare promises made to their constituencies; we'll rent premises from private owners and make small-to-large clinics within existing hospitals. As a results of this versatile approach, we'll commission hospitals, medical facilities, and clinics across the breadth of this country, getting closer to patients and taking the promise of quality affordable healthcare to the doorstep of the country's millions.

It is this exciting prospect that stokes our motivation to try to to bigger and better for the glory of the country that's ours.

Get the best Cataract Eye Treatment at 108 Eye and Health Centre

What is Cataract?
The word “cataract” springs from the Greek word katarraktes which loosely translates to waterfall. it had been believed that a congealed fluid from the brain had flowed ahead of the lens of the eyes. Today, eye cataract is defined because the clouding of the lens of your eyes.

When proteins present within the eye form clumps, it muddles the vision with a cloudy, hazy outline. It gradually develops and starts interfering together with your vision and unless treated could lead on to total blindness.

The world perceives us as a low-cost Indian healthcare service provider; what we are engaged in may be a passionate journey to determine ourselves because the lowest-cost, high-quality healthcare service provider within the world.

At 108 Eye and Health Centre, we are convinced that 'quality' and 'lowest cost' aren't mutually exclusive when it involves health care delivery . In fact, we are well on our thanks to demonstrate that we aren't running our institution as just another number-only business, but are attractively placed to make a reasonable , globally-benchmarked quality-driven healthcare services model.

What causes cataracts?
The major cause for cataract is age. aside from that, various factors can cause the formation of cataracts like:

Previous or untreated eye injury
Previous eye surgery
UV radiation
Long exposure to sunlight
Over usage of certain medications
Hormone replacement therapy

A thorough eye examination by an ophthalmologist is suggested to work out the presence of a cataract. A comprehensive medical eye examination should be done. this is often achieved by the subsequent tests:

Visual Acuity test – This test will assess the clarity and sharpness of your vision. Here, each eye are going to be tested individually to ascertain the power of the attention to see letters of various sizes placed at a distance.

Slit-lamp exam – A special microscope is employed during this test to look at the cornea, iris, lens and other parts of the attention . This lens bends light because it enters into the attention making it easier for the ophthalmologist to identify abnormalities.

Retinal exam – Here, eye drops are put within the eyes to widen the pupils. The ophthalmologist can examine the retina and optic nerves and to also search for glaucoma.

Top Services

Cataract Surgery
Basic Eye Check up
Neuro ophthalmology