Through our vision recovery program, we help people with perpetual visual hindrance through an assortment of preparing programs for fundamental abilities just as in the utilization of assistive gadgets. The program expects to help those with lasting impedance have autonomous existences and depends on the person's idea of hindrance and their accessible help offices.
best eye care noida sector 63
108 eye and health center has prepared experts to manage issues identified with low vision and its services. They assess the useful necessity of the customers just as different visual capacities through a progression of tests and are recommended customized gadgets.
Recovery Services for Children (0 to 15 years)
These services incorporate parental advising, instructive direction, preparing in free living abilities, early intercession, services for the kids with low vision, services for kids with extra incapacities and multi-impaired, climate adjustments, preparing in utilizing PC assistive programming, strong services, youngsters' library, reference and follow up.
Recovery Services for Adults (over 16 years)
These services incorporate individual advising, instructive direction, professional direction and position, preparing in autonomous living abilities, climate alterations, preparing in utilizing PC assistive programming, strong services, reference and follow up