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Children can suffer from a variety of eye problems. Early detection and treatment is cornerstone in the management of eye problems in children. At 108 Eye and Health Centre, emphasis is on a comprehensive examination of all children using the most ultramodern child specific technology.

best children eye doctor near me

The pediatric ophthalmology department at 108 Eye and Health Centre offers pediatric ophthalmology services for children with sight diseases to help them get a clear vision. As it's extremely important to detect these visual impairments in kiddies, we give you access to the best pediatric ophthalmologists. In particular, vision develops in the brain until about age 9 years and can be affected by eyes that aren't straight or don't concentrate rightly. A child can grow up with a good vision in each eye if these problems are caught early, treated and maintained.
Our crew of pediatric ophthalmologists have additional training and practice in examining and caring for a child’s eye problem. They've great knowledge of the possible conditions and experience in examining children effectively, making us the best pediatric ophthalmology
What kinds of treatments do pediatric ophthalmologists give?

Medical treatments
Amblyopia ( undeveloped vision or the vision part of “ lazy eye”) including spectacles, patching, and dilating drops
Spectacles prescriptions for simple lack of focus similar as near-sightedness, astigmatism or farsightedness
Some fit contact lenses as well
Infection such as conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers and the tissue around the eye ( orbit)
Inflammation inside the eye (iritis) from arthritis conditions and injuries
Glaucoma, high pressure in the eye, is treated by some pediatric ophthalmologists
Eye muscle surgery for misaligned eyes in patients of any age
Blocked tear ducts
Cataract surgery in children
Repairing of injuries of the eye
Some do laser surgery in premature babies, glaucoma surgery, or droopy eyelid surgery (ptosis). This varies with the interest, training, and experience of the pediatric ophthalmologist

Top Services

Cataract Surgery
Basic Eye Check up
Neuro ophthalmology